:py:mod:`orcanet.utilities.summarize_training` ============================================== .. py:module:: orcanet.utilities.summarize_training Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: orcanet.utilities.summarize_training.Summarizer Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: orcanet.utilities.summarize_training.summarize orcanet.utilities.summarize_training.get_parser orcanet.utilities.summarize_training.main .. py:class:: Summarizer(folders, metric='loss', smooth=None, labels=None, noplot=False, width=1.0, verbose=True) Summarize one or more trainings by giving their orcanet folder(s). - Plot the training and validation curves in a single plot and show them - Print info about the best and worst epochs :Parameters: **folders** : str or List, optional Path to a orcanet folder, or to multiple folder as a list. [default: CWD]. **metric** : str or List, optional The metric to plot [default: 'loss']. If its a list: Same length as folders. Plot a different metric for each folder. **smooth** : int, optional Apply gaussian blur to the train curve with given sigma. **labels** : List, optional Labels for each folder. **noplot** : bool Dont plot the train/val curves [default: False]. **width** : float Scaling of the width of the curves and the marker size [default: 1]. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: summarize(show=True) .. py:method:: summarize_dirs() Get the best and worst epochs of all given folders as a dict. :Returns: **minima** : dict Keys : Name of folder. Values : [Epoch, metric] of where the metric is lowest. **maxima** : dict As above, but for where the metric is highest. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: summarize(**kwargs) .. py:function:: get_parser() .. py:function:: main()