.. _input_page: Toml files ========== Much of the input in OrcaNet is given as toml files. This page shows examples for the proper format, as well as possible options. .. _input_page_orga: toml files for the Organizer ---------------------------- The :py:class:`orcanet.core.Organizer` takes a ``list_file`` and a ``config_file`` argument, which are the pathes to the respective files. Here are examples for the proper file formats: list_file ^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../examples/list.toml :language: toml :linenos: :caption: examples/list.toml config_file ^^^^^^^^^^^ An important paramter of the config files are the modifiers. Check out :ref:`modifiers_page` for more info. You can find various built-in modifiers in :py:mod:`orcanet.lib`. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/config.toml :language: toml :linenos: :caption: examples/config.toml .. _input_page_model: toml files for the model builder -------------------------------- Models can be built with OrcaNet using a toml file. The path is handed over as the ``model_file`` argument of :py:class:`orcanet.model_builder.ModelBuilder`. You can find various built-in layer blocks in :py:mod:`orcanet.builder_util.layer_blocks`, and some built-in losses in :py:mod:`orcanet.lib.losses`. .. code-block:: python from orcanet.model_builder import ModelBuilder mb = ModelBuilder(model_file="model.toml") model = mb.build(organizer) Here is an example for the proper file format (See :ref:`example_models_page` for more examples): .. literalinclude:: ../examples/model_files/explanation.toml :language: toml :linenos: :caption: examples/model_files/explanation.toml