Quick start
Learn how to use OrcaNet in just 4 simple steps! This assumes you have already installed orcanet.
Step 1
Create a directory for your training with an adequate name. E.g.:
mkdir my_first_orcanet_training
This directory will contain all the logfiles, plots, checkpoints etc. of this training.
Step 2
Create your toml configuration files and move them into your directory. These toml files describe:
The data that will be used (
)The configuration of the training (
)The architecture of the model (
See Toml files for more details on these files.
Make sure to give them these exact names
, config.toml
, model.toml
This allows OrcaNet to automatically discover them in your directory.
Step 3
Start the training like this:
orcanet train my_first_orcanet_training
You can monitor how the training goes by looking at the summary plot in my_first_orcanet_training/plots/summary_plot.pdf. Or, if you prefer an interactive plot, with this command:
orcanet summarize my_first_orcanet_training
To resume a training, just run the train command again. Once the model has fully converged, you can continue with the next step.
Step 4
Save the output of the model to hdf5 like this:
orcanet predict my_first_orcanet_training
or like this:
orcanet inference my_first_orcanet_training
Depending on wether you want to use the validation files or the
inference files as an input.
The result gets saved to my_first_orcanet_training/predictions
Further Info
If you want to learn how to use the python interface of OrcaNet, you can check out OrcaNet python overview.