Source code for orcanet.h5_generator

import h5py
import time
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras as ks

[docs]class Hdf5BatchGenerator(ks.utils.Sequence): def __init__( self, files_dict, batchsize=64, key_x_values="x", key_y_values="y", sample_modifier=None, label_modifier=None, fixed_batchsize=False, y_field_names=None, phase="training", xs_mean=None, f_size=None, keras_mode=True, shuffle=False, class_weights=None, ): """ Yields batches of input data from h5 files. This will go through one file, or multiple files in parallel, and yield one batch of data, which can then be used as an input to a model. Since multiple filepaths can be given to read out in parallel, this can also be used for models with multiple inputs. Parameters ---------- files_dict : dict Pathes of the files to train on. Keys: The name of every input (from the toml list file, can be multiple). Values: The filepath of a single h5py file to read data from. batchsize : int Batchsize that will be used for reading data from the files. key_x_values : str The name of the datagroup in the h5 input files which contains the samples for the network. key_y_values : str The name of the datagroup in the h5 input files which contains the info for the labels. If this name is not in the file, y_values will be set to None. sample_modifier : function or None Operation to be performed on batches of samples read from the input files before they are fed into the model. y_field_names : tuple or list or str, optional During train and val, read out only these fields from the y dataset. --> Speed up, especially if there are many fields. phase : str Which phase are we in? training, validation, or inference. Inference means both orga.predict and orga.inference, i.e. whenever we write a h5 file. label_modifier : function or None Operation to be performed on batches of labels read from the input files before they are fed into the model. fixed_batchsize : bool The last batch in the file might be smaller then the batchsize. Usually, this is no problem, but set to True to pad this batch to given batchsize. xs_mean : ndarray or None Zero center image to be subtracted from data as preprocessing. f_size : int or None Specifies the number of samples to be read from the .h5 file. If none, the whole .h5 file will be used. keras_mode : bool If true, yield xs and ys (samples and labels) for the keras fit generator function. If false, yield the info_blob containing the full sample and label info, both before and after the modifiers have been applied. shuffle : bool Randomize the order in which batches are read from the file (once during init). Can reduce read out speed. """ if phase not in ("training", "validation", "inference"): raise ValueError("Invalid phase") self.files_dict = files_dict self.batchsize = batchsize self.key_x_values = key_x_values self.key_y_values = key_y_values self.sample_modifier = sample_modifier self.label_modifier = label_modifier self.fixed_batchsize = fixed_batchsize self.phase = phase self.xs_mean = xs_mean self.f_size = f_size self.keras_mode = keras_mode self.shuffle = shuffle self.class_weights = class_weights if y_field_names is not None: if isinstance(y_field_names, str): y_field_names = (y_field_names,) else: y_field_names = tuple(y_field_names) self.y_field_names = y_field_names # a dict with the names of list inputs as keys, and the opened # h5 files as values self._files = {} # start index of each batch in the file self._sample_pos = None # total number of samples per file self._total_f_size = None # for keeping track of the readout speed self._total_time = 0.0 self._total_batches = 0 self._file_meta = None def __len__(self): """Number of batches in the Sequence (includes queue).""" return len(self._sample_pos) def __getitem__(self, index): """ Gets batch number `index`. Returns ------- xs : dict Samples for the model train on. Keys : str The name(s) of the input layer(s) of the model. Values : ndarray or tuple A batch of samples for the corresponding input. If x is an indexed datasets, this will be a tuple instead, with [0] being the values, and [1] being the number of items per sample. ys : dict or None Labels for the model to train on. Will be None if there are no labels in the file. Keys : str The name(s) of the output layer(s) of the model. Values : ndarray A batch of labels for the corresponding output. If class_weights is not None, will return aditionally: sample_weights : dict Maps output names to weights for each sample in the batch as a np.array. If keras_mode is False, will return instead: info_blob : dict Blob containing the x_values, y_values, xs and ys, and optionally the sample_weights. """ start_time = time.time() file_index = self._sample_pos[index] info_blob = {"phase": self.phase, "meta": self.get_file_meta()} info_blob["x_values"] = self.get_x_values(file_index) info_blob["y_values"] = self.get_y_values(file_index) # Modify the samples if self.sample_modifier is not None: xs = self.sample_modifier(info_blob) else: xs = info_blob["x_values"] info_blob["xs"] = xs # Modify the labels if info_blob["y_values"] is not None and self.label_modifier is not None: ys = self.label_modifier(info_blob) else: ys = None info_blob["ys"] = ys if self.fixed_batchsize: self.pad_to_size(info_blob) if self.class_weights is not None: info_blob["sample_weights"] = _get_sample_weights(ys, self.class_weights) self._total_time += time.time() - start_time self._total_batches += 1 if self.keras_mode: if info_blob.get("sample_weights"): return info_blob["xs"], info_blob["ys"], info_blob["sample_weights"] else: return info_blob["xs"], info_blob["ys"] else: return info_blob
[docs] def pad_to_size(self, info_blob): """Pad the batch to have a fixed batchsize.""" org_batchsize = next(iter(info_blob["xs"].values())).shape[0] if org_batchsize == self.batchsize: return info_blob["org_batchsize"] = org_batchsize for input_key, x in info_blob["xs"].items(): info_blob["xs"][input_key] = _pad_to_size(x, self.batchsize) if info_blob.get("ys") is not None: for output_key, y in info_blob["ys"].items(): info_blob["ys"][output_key] = _pad_to_size(y, self.batchsize)
[docs] def open(self): """Open all files and prepare for read out.""" for input_key, file in self.files_dict.items(): self._files[input_key] = h5py.File(file, "r") self._store_file_length() self._store_batch_indices()
[docs] def close(self): """Close all files again.""" for f in list(self._files.values()): f.close()
[docs] def get_x_values(self, start_index): """ Read one batch of samples from the files and zero center. Parameters ---------- start_index : int The start index in the h5 files at which the batch will be read. The end index will be the start index + the batch size. Returns ------- x_values : dict One batch of data for each input file. """ x_values = {} for input_key, file in self._files.items(): slc = slice(start_index, start_index + self._batchsize) ix_dset_name = _get_indexed_dset_name(file, self.key_x_values) if ix_dset_name is None: # normal dataset x_values[input_key] = file[self.key_x_values][slc] else: # indexed dataset: adjust slice according to indices indices = file[ix_dset_name][slc] slc = slice( indices[0]["index"], indices[-1]["index"] + indices[-1]["n_items"], ) x_values[input_key] = (file[self.key_x_values][slc], indices["n_items"]) if self.xs_mean is not None: x_values[input_key] = np.subtract( x_values[input_key], self.xs_mean[input_key] ) return x_values
[docs] def get_y_values(self, start_index): """ Get y_values for the nn. Since the y_values are hopefully the same for all the files, use the ones from the first. TODO add check Parameters ---------- start_index : int The start index in the h5 files at which the batch will be read. The end index will be the start index + the batch size. Returns ------- y_values : ndarray The y_values, right from the files. """ first_file = list(self._files.values())[0] try: slc = slice(start_index, start_index + self._batchsize) if self.y_field_names is not None and self.phase != "inference": y_values = first_file[self.key_y_values][ (slc,) + tuple( self.y_field_names, ) ] if len(self.y_field_names) == 1: # result of slice is a ndarray; convert to structured y_values = y_values.astype( np.dtype([(self.y_field_names[0], y_values.dtype)]) ) else: y_values = first_file[self.key_y_values][slc] except KeyError: # can not look up y_values, lets hope we dont need them y_values = None return y_values
[docs] def print_timestats(self, print_func=None): """Print stats about how long it took to read batches.""" if print_func is None: print_func = print print_func("Statistics of data readout:") print_func(f"\tTotal time:\t{self._total_time/60:.2f} min") if self._total_batches != 0: print_func( f"\tPer batch:\t" f"{1000 * self._total_time/self._total_batches:.5} ms"
[docs] def get_file_meta(self): """Meta information about the files. Only read out once.""" if self._file_meta is None: self._file_meta = {} # sample and label dataset for each input datasets = {} for input_key, file in self._files.items(): datasets[input_key] = { "samples": file[self.key_x_values], "samples_is_indexed": _get_indexed_dset_name( file, self.key_x_values ) is not None, "labels": file[self.key_y_values], } self._file_meta["datasets"] = datasets return self._file_meta
@property def _size(self): """Size of the files that will be read in. Can be smaller than the actual file size if defined by user.""" if self.f_size is None: return self._total_f_size else: return self.f_size @property def _batchsize(self): """ Return the effective batchsize. Can be smaller than the user defined one if it would be larger than the size of the file. """ if self._size < self.batchsize: return self._size else: return self.batchsize def _store_file_length(self): """ Make sure all files have the same length and store this length. """ lengths = [] for f in list(self._files.values()): ix_dset_name = _get_indexed_dset_name(f, self.key_x_values) if ix_dset_name is None: dset_name = self.key_x_values else: dset_name = ix_dset_name lengths.append(len(f[dset_name])) if not lengths.count(lengths[0]) == len(lengths): self.close() raise ValueError( "All data files must have the same length! " "Given were:\n " + str(lengths) ) self._total_f_size = lengths[0] def _store_batch_indices(self): """ Define the start indices of each batch in the h5 file and store this. """ if self.phase == "inference": # for inference: take all batches total_no_of_batches = np.ceil(self._size / self._batchsize) else: # else: skip last batch if it has too few event for a full batch # this is mostly because tf datasets can't be used # with variable batchsize (status tf 2.5) total_no_of_batches = np.floor(self._size / self._batchsize) sample_pos = np.arange(int(total_no_of_batches)) * self._batchsize if self.shuffle: np.random.shuffle(sample_pos) self._sample_pos = sample_pos
def _get_indexed_dset_name(file, dset): """If this is an indexed dataset, return the name of the indexed set.""" dset_name_indexed = f"{dset}_indices" if file[dset].attrs.get("indexed") and dset_name_indexed in file: return dset_name_indexed else: return None def _get_sample_weights(ys, class_weights): """ Produce a weight for each sample given the weight for each class. Parameters ---------- ys : dict Maps output names to categorical one-hot labels as np.arrays. Expected to be 2D (n_samples, n_classes). class_weights : dict Maps output neuron numbers to weights as floats. Returns ------- sample_weights : dict Maps output names to weights for each sample in the batch as a np.array. """ sample_weights = {} for output_name, labels in ys.items(): class_weights_arr = np.ones(labels.shape[1]) for k, v in class_weights.items(): class_weights_arr[int(k)] = v labels_class = np.argmax(labels, axis=-1) sample_weights[output_name] = class_weights_arr[labels_class] return sample_weights
[docs]def get_h5_generator( orga, files_dict, f_size=None, zero_center=False, keras_mode=True, shuffle=False, use_def_label=True, phase="training", ): """ Initialize the hdf5_batch_generator_base with the paramters in orga.cfg. Parameters ---------- orga : orcanet.core.Organizer Contains all the configurable options in the OrcaNet scripts. files_dict : dict Pathes of the files to train on. Keys: The name of every input (from the toml list file, can be multiple). Values: The filepath of a single h5py file to read samples from. f_size : int or None Specifies the number of samples to be read from the .h5 file. If none, the whole .h5 file will be used. zero_center : bool Whether to use zero centering. Requires orga.zero_center_folder to be set. keras_mode : bool Specifies if mc-infos (y_values) should be yielded as well. The mc-infos are used for evaluation after training and testing is finished. shuffle : bool Randomize the order in which batches are read from the file. Significantly reduces read out speed. use_def_label : bool If True and no label modifier is given by user, use the default label modifier instead of none. Yields ------ xs : dict Data for the model train on. Keys : str The name(s) of the input layer(s) of the model. Values : ndarray A batch of samples for the corresponding input. ys : dict or None Labels for the model to train on. Keys : str The name(s) of the output layer(s) of the model. Values : ndarray A batch of labels for the corresponding output. Will be None if there are no labels in the file. y_values : ndarray, optional Y values from the file. Only yielded if yield_mc_info is True. """ if orga.cfg.label_modifier is not None: label_modifier = orga.cfg.label_modifier elif use_def_label: assert ( orga._auto_label_modifier is not None ), "Auto label modifier has not been set up" label_modifier = orga._auto_label_modifier else: label_modifier = None # get xs_mean or load/create if not stored yet if zero_center: xs_mean = orga.get_xs_mean() else: xs_mean = None generator = Hdf5BatchGenerator( files_dict=files_dict, batchsize=orga.cfg.batchsize, key_x_values=orga.cfg.key_x_values, key_y_values=orga.cfg.key_y_values, sample_modifier=orga.cfg.sample_modifier, label_modifier=label_modifier, phase=phase, xs_mean=xs_mean, f_size=f_size, keras_mode=keras_mode, shuffle=shuffle, class_weights=orga.cfg.class_weight, fixed_batchsize=orga.cfg.fixed_batchsize, y_field_names=orga.cfg.y_field_names, ) return generator
[docs]def make_dataset(gen): output_signature = tuple([{k: _get_spec(v) for k, v in d.items()} for d in gen[0]]) return lambda: gen, output_signature=output_signature
) def _get_spec(x): if isinstance(x, tf.RaggedTensor): return tf.RaggedTensorSpec.from_value(x) else: return tf.TensorSpec( shape=x.shape, dtype=x.dtype, ) def _pad_to_size(x, size): """Pad x to given size along axis 0 by repeating last element.""" length = x.shape[0] if length > size: raise ValueError(f"Can't pad x with shape {x.shape} to length {size}") elif length == size: return x else: if tf.is_tensor(x): f_conc = tf.concat else: f_conc = np.concatenate return f_conc([x] + [x[-1:]] * (size - length), axis=0)