Source code for orcanet.lib.losses

OrcaNet custom loss functions.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from orcanet.misc import get_register

# fuzz factor for numerical stability
[docs]EPS = tf.constant(1e-7, dtype="float32")
# for loading via toml and orcanet custom objects loss_functions, _register = get_register() @_register
[docs]def lkl_normal_tfp(y_true, y_pred): """Normal distribution using tfp. See lkl_normal.""" mu_true = y_true[:, 0] mu_pred, sigma_pred = y_pred[:, 0], y_pred[:, 1] return ( -1 * tfp.distributions.Normal( loc=mu_pred, scale=tf.math.maximum(sigma_pred, EPS), ).log_prob(mu_true)
) @_register
[docs]def lkl_normal(y_true, y_pred): """ Negative normal log-likelihood function for n regression output neurons with clipping for increased stability. For stability in the case of outliers, the loss l_i is capped at a maximum of 10 * |pred_i - true_i| for each sample. Parameters ---------- y_true : tf.Tensor Shape (bs, 2, n) or (bs, 2). y_true[:, 0] is the label of shape (bs, n) (true), and y_true[:, 1] is not used (necessary as tf 2.1 requires y_true and y_pred to have same shape). y_pred : tf.Tensor Shape (bs, 2, n) or (bs, 2). The output of the network. y_pred[:, 0] is mu, and y_pred[:, 1] is sigma. """ mu_true = y_true[:, 0] mu_pred, sigma_pred = y_pred[:, 0], y_pred[:, 1] return _normal_lkl( mu_pred=mu_pred, mu_true=mu_true, sigma_pred=sigma_pred, clip=True
) def _normal_lkl(mu_pred, mu_true, sigma_pred, clip=False, clip_thresh=10): delta = mu_pred - mu_true std_sq = sigma_pred ** 2 loglike = tf.math.log(std_sq + EPS) + delta ** 2 / (std_sq + EPS) if clip: loglike = tf.minimum(loglike, clip_thresh * tf.abs(delta)) return 0.5 * (tf.constant(np.log(2 * np.pi), dtype="float32") + loglike)