Source code for orcanet_contrib.parser_orcapred

Use orga.predict with a parser.

Usage: FOLDER LIST CONFIG MODEL [--epoch EPOCH] [--fileno FILENO] (-h | --help)

    FOLDER  Path to the folder where everything gets saved to, e.g. the
            summary.txt, the plots, the trained models, etc.
    LIST    A .toml file which contains the pathes of the training and
            validation files. An example can be found in
    CONFIG  A .toml file which sets up the training. An example can be
            found in examples/config_file.toml. The possible parameters
            are listed in in the class Configuration.
    MODEL   Path to a .toml file with infos about a model.
            An example can be found in examples/explanation.toml.

    -h --help        Show this screen.
    --epoch=EPOCH    Use model of given epoch. [default: None]
    --fileno=FILENO  Use model of given fileno. [default: None]

import warnings
from matplotlib import use

from docopt import docopt

from orcanet.core import Organizer
from orcanet_contrib.orca_handler_util import update_objects

[docs]def orca_pred(output_folder, list_file, config_file, model_file, epoch=None, fileno=None): """ Run orga.predict with predefined ModelBuilder networks using a parser. Per default, the most recent saved model will be loaded. Parameters ---------- output_folder : str Path to the folder where everything gets saved to, e.g. the summary log file, the plots, the trained models, etc. list_file : str Path to a list file which contains pathes to all the h5 files that should be used for training and validation. config_file : str Path to a .toml file which overwrites some of the default settings for training and validating a model. model_file : str Path to a file with parameters to build a model of a predefined architecture with OrcaNet. epoch : int, optional The epoch of the saved model to predict with. fileno : int, optional The filenumber of the saved model to predict with. """ # Set up the Organizer with the input data orga = Organizer(output_folder, list_file, config_file, tf_log_level=1) # When predicting with a orga model, the right modifiers and custom # objects need to be given update_objects(orga, model_file) # Per default, a prediction will be done for the model with the # highest epoch and filenumber. orga.predict(epoch=epoch, fileno=fileno)
[docs]def main(): """ Run the orca_pred function with a parser. """ warnings.warn("parser_orcapred is deprecated! Use orcanet predict instead.") args = docopt(__doc__) if args["--epoch"] == "None": epoch = None else: epoch = int(args["--epoch"]) if args["--fileno"] == "None": fileno = None else: fileno = int(args["--fileno"]) orca_pred(output_folder=args['FOLDER'], list_file=args['LIST'], config_file=args['CONFIG'], model_file=args['MODEL'], epoch=epoch, fileno=fileno)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()